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Palindrome Recursion C++

Write a recursive function of determining whether a string is palindrome or not.
Note: A palindrome is a string that can be read the same both forward and backwards such as racecar, mom etc.

Explanation: Click here to understand each step.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

bool palindrome(char[], int size);

bool main()
cout << "Enter a string: ";
char str[20];

cout << "The entered string " << ( (palindrome(str,strlen(str)+1))? "is":"is not" ) << " a Palindrome string." << endl;
//If you didn't understand ?: click here.
return 0;

bool palindrome(char str[], int size)
if (str[0] != str[size-2]) //if first element is not equal to last element.
return false;
else if (strlen(str) <= 1)
return true;
return palindrome(str+1,size-2);


  1. There are some problems in it,
    1: the last element of string will be (size-1) instead of (size-2);

    2: this function doesnot works if I entered the input string as "razar" which is due to the wrong Logic;

    3: Better to avoid built in functions in recursion technique;

    4: One of the example is below
    bool palidrome_check ( char strn [] , int size , int begin = 0 )
    if ( begin == size )//begin is the starting index
    return true;
    if( begin+1 == size)
    return true;
    else return false;
    if( strn [begin] == strn[size] )
    if ( palidrome_check(strn,size-1,begin+1 ) )
    return true;
    return false;
    return false;

    1. 1. I've passed strlen(str)+1 in palindrome(str,strlen(str)+1), which means that the size is one more than the value given by strlen, this was because I took into account the '\0' character. Now the last element will be str[size-2], because array starts from 0 and null character is excluded.
      So what I've done is absolutely correct.

      2. It's working perfectly for "razar". I've rechecked.

      3. Thanks, I'll take care. Any ways what will u use in order to get the size of array in main other than strlen?

      4. There are many ways to reach to ur destination. Thanks!


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