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Write a function that receives as input three integer arguments and then circularly shift their values to right. (The change in variables must be permanent) Example:

Write a function that receives as input three integer arguments and then circularly shift their values to right. (The change in variables must be permanent) Example:
If x=5, y=8, z=10 then after circular shift y=5, z=8, and x=10.

using namespace std;
void swap_by_ref(int &,int &,int &); //Swaps the values of x and z "permanently".
int main()
 int x,y,z;
 cout<<"Enter 3 numbers followed by spaces or enter: ";  cin>>x>>y>>z;
 cout<<"x = "<<x<<" \t y = "<<y<<" \t z = "<<z<<endl;
 return 0;
void swap_by_ref(int &x, int &y, int &z)
 //Logic behind Swaping

 int temporary_variable_1 = x;
 x = z;
 int  temporary_variable_2 = y;
 y = temporary_variable_1;
 z =  temporary_variable_2;

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